SAVES Refugee Program
Skills for Academics, Vocational and English Studies
The Skills for Academics, Vocational, and English Studies (SAVES) Program offers a tuition-free educational initiative tailored to cater to the educational requirements of qualified adult individuals (aged 16 and above) who are refugees or asylees originating from diverse parts of the world. Eligible students in the refugee/asylee category are provided with scholarships that enable them to pursue courses in career and technical education, encompassing subjects like:
English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
High School Completion
General Education Development (GED) Preparation
- Citizenship education
- Adult Basic Education (ABE)
- Intro to Computers
- Building Construction
HVAC (Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning)
- Electricity
- Barbering
- Plumbing
- Phlebotomy
Participants of the SAVES Program are entitled to complimentary educational benefits within a five-year period, which encompass :
- Adult Basic Education (ABE) classes
- Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses
Citizenship education classes
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) classes
GED® preparation classes
Essential books and instructional materials
Eligibility Criteria for SAVES enrollment
Individuals classified as refugees and asylees, regardless of their nationality.
Individuals on parole or with entrant status, limited to Cubans and Haitians.
Individuals who have been subjected to human trafficking, provided they possess an official letter of certification from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (ORR Certification Letter-Trafficking Victim).
For further information contact:
SAVES Coordinator: Martha Pinell
Office: (305) 691-8324 ext. 2238
For more information visit: