
Learn practical knowledge to pursue your barbering career.


The purpose of this program is to prepare students for employment as a restricted barber or licensed barber. Instruction is designed to qualify students for employment upon successfully passing the Florida Restricted Barber or Barber License Examination.

Program Structure

  1. Restricted Barber (333 Hours)
  2. Restricted Barber (333 Hours)
  3. Restricted Barber (334 Hours)
  4. Barber (200 Hours)

1,200 Hours (Approx. 11/2 years) is required to complete this program. The length of time is also dependent upon enrollment (full-time/part-time) and the completion of the required competencies.


Test Adult Basic Education (T.A.B.E.) scores required for the course:

  • Mathematics= 9
  • Language= 9
  • Reading= 9

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